The Who That I Am children’s book fits in great with the new school core competencies for younger children.
Below we discuss some of these core competencies and how they relate to this book.
There are many pages in this book that offer a variety of content to help children learn.
Let’s review and get started!
A) Interactions with Others:
This is a fun way to learn the importance of sharing kindness and love with others, including ourselves.
Possible Lesson Questions:
– How do we communicate with others whereby we get our point across while still being kind and loving?
– How do we communicate with ourselves with kindness and love?
– What other ways of communication are there, besides verbal communication?
B) Make Connections with Others to Share Ideas:
Knowing we are “a brilliant soul of joy” that has valuable ideas to share, and we have “a mind that wants to speak” is an important aspect of communication.
Possible Lesson Questions:
– What ideas do you have that you would like to share with the others?
– Who else has similar ideas to the one shared?
– How can we build on these ideas? Let’s brainstorm together.
C) Expressing Individuality:
It is so important to feel comfortable and free to express our true selves. Let’s share with each other fun ways we like to express ourselves.
Possible Lesson Questions:
– What does it mean to express ourselves?
– The elephant in this book likes to express themselves through talking, listening, and dancing. What ways do you like to express yourself?
D) Finding Satisfaction, Purpose, and Joy:
It might be easier to be joyful in happy times. But not all situations will offer us joy and it’s important to see these situations as part of life’s experiences. Each situation can offer us a chance to find our own satisfaction, purpose, and joy. It’s through analysis of these experiences that we can find what we are satisfied with, what really makes us joyful, and what strikes purpose within us.
Possible Lesson Questions:
– What does it mean to feel joyful? See how everyone will have their own interpretation of joy?
– What is purpose? See how everyone will have their own interpretation of purpose? Purpose can change as we grow, how do we know what our purpose feeling feels like?
– Sometimes we come first, and sometimes last. What can we learn from each of these experiences? Can we feel satisfied with the outcome?
If so, great! Why?
If not, what do we need to change or do differently to feel satisfied? Maybe it’s not changing something physical but rather changing some old way of thinking? Maybe it’s working harder or maybe it’s giving ourselves some self-love and acceptance knowing we tried our very best and that was enough?
The words in the book are simple and yet they can bring forth a wealth of great observation, internal analysis, and conversation!
A) Take concepts and content and transform them into a new understanding:
These simple words offer much interpretation. How can we take certain content and transform them to a new understanding? What does feeling found or feeling lost emotionally mean? What new understanding can we find in these words? How does content work in the interpretation of these words? Lost, found, flat, round – they all offer similar depth of interpretation done through thinking/analysis.
Possible Lesson Questions:
– What could feeling lost mean? What could feeling flat mean? Found and round mean?
– How do we know which interpretation of “lost” someone is using? “Flat”? etc…
– How can we use our critical thinking to interpret the meaning of what someone is trying to express, and how can we then be supportive to others and ourselves?
B) Process information from thoughts and feelings to create a new understanding:
Reflection is important. It allows the mind to think of things and then determine how they make us feel. It can trigger imagination and wonder. Reflection can be the driver for action.
Possible Lesson Questions:
– What dreams do you have? How do they make you feel?
– How did you come up with these dreams? What more can we imagine with each dream?
A) Identity in the world, both as individuals and members of society:
Our identity is essential for living our true, purposeful life. We must feel completely comfortable to be who we are, embracing all of ourselves. And, we must also feel completely comfortable with other members of society, embracing all of who they are too. We must release any judgment and preconceived thoughts, essentially embracing all souls knowing that we all belong. What steps can we personally take to accomplish this?
Possible Lesson Questions:
– What makes me who I am? What do I love about myself?
– What similarities do I share with others?
The depth of questions in this section is huge. Use the words to guide you and build a wonderful communication about personal identity and social responsibility.
B) Understand and care for themselves and others:
Self-love is so important for development. It helps us be able to support ourselves through trying times. It also helps us be empathetic to others. Understanding and caring for ourselves is priority. And through this we will then know how (and be capable) to care for others too.
Possible Lesson Questions:
– What is self-love and self-care for me? Notice how others might have different ways to self-love and care for themselves?
– How can I make sure I care for myself?
– How can I care for others?
– How can I care for the environment and animals?
– What affects will my caring and understanding have on others, including the environment and animals/wildlife?
The depth of questions in this section is huge. Use the words to guide you and build a wonderful communication about personal care and social responsibility.
C) Find and Achieve Purpose:
When we have love for all of ourselves, when we care for ourselves, when we have self-awareness and selfworth, we feel supported and comfortable to be all that we are, and that leads to us finding and being able to achieve our purposes. We are beautifully unique and no box can fit all of who we are! Let’s embrace this and move forward with excitement for our future!
Possible Lesson Questions:
– What do I need right now to feel fully supported and comfortable to be my true and full self?
– How can I support myself in finding and achieving my purposes?
– How can I support others in feeling fully supported and comfortable to be their true selves?
The depth of questions in this section is huge. Use the words to guide you and build a wonderful communication about personal support, care, love, and understanding. Much of what we discussed previously links in directly to this conversation.